
Apr 282019

kaBOOM klatter clatter chatter tinkle tinkle chikatika
BOOM clatter tinkle crash sizzle pop pop
BOOM BOOM chatter clatter tinkle CRASH shatter tinkle CRACK!
BOOM whisper whisper whisper squeak

Mar 172019

Something precious, ripped away
see how the broken pieces lay
they’re scattered here and all around
in shredded tatters on the ground

Where once was hope and promises
now we count but lies and losses
smoldering embers question: why?
while answers smoke into the sky

Sounds rumor joy off in the distance
while pain enforces it’s persistence
tears may carry it away, but
far too slowly on this day

No longer cause to celebrate
on every footfall, hesitate
shuddered breaths between each tear
a hollow moan for each lost year

Fall to the floor and block the door
drift off to sleep and dream no more

Mar 042019

don’t clutch at the ashes and curse at the darkness
blend your flame with my fire and rage at the edge
we’ll forever move forward in increasing circles
rippling together through oceans of love

discard the cold cinders of broken machinery
hold tight to your memory of our hands intertwined
in the smiles of the faces we’ve met we’ll keep living
immortal as starlight and bright as the sun

we are never a part of the dust that we’re borrowing
the sweet sound of your voice only moves through the air
these thoughts we exchange are like sparkling fireworks
for a brief, brilliant moment they light up the night

hold close to me now and move with me sweetly
slow dance to the music we’ve grown in our souls
entangled we’ll travel eternity’s limits
after worlds melt away may there still be our song

Mar 032019

Lord, don’t you take me a piece at a time.
Don’t make me die shivering, and losing my mind.
When I go, take me quickly in one blinding flash.
Preferably fighting the dragon.

Joanie fell down and got stuck on her back.
They lopped off her feet when they wouldn’t grow back.
To stop her complaining, they hooked her on smack
and she quietly wasted away.

Oh lord, don’t you take me a piece at a time.
Don’t make me go shivering, and losing my mind.
When I go, take me quickly in one blinding flash.
Preferably fighting the dragon.

Bobby had started to lose track of time.
He misplaced his name, and his life slipped his mind.
To keep him from roaming they tied him up tight.
There he lingered for hundreds of days.

Oh lord, don’t you take me a piece at a time.
Don’t make me die shivering, and losing my mind.
When I go, take me quickly in one blinding flash.
Preferably fighting the dragon.

Freddie rode his bike home.
It was time to get back but his friends ran him over while driving on crack.
They scooped up the pieces and kept them alive.
The light’s on and nobody home.

Oh lord, don’t you take me a piece at a time.
Don’t make me die shivering, and losing my mind.
When I go, take me quickly in one blinding flash.


Aug 032016

I recently upgraded my primary laptop from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 and suddenly discovered that when I ssh into some of my other boxes all the colors are gone!

As it turns out, a few of the boxes I manage are running older OS versions that became confused when they saw my terminal was xterm-256color instead of just xterm-color.

Since it took me a while to get to the bottom of this I thought I’d share the answer to make things easier on the next few who stumble into the spider web. First: Don’t Panic! — always good advice, unless you’re 9 and then you’ll hear that “Sometimes, fear is the appropriate response…” but I digress.

So, what happened is that my new box is using a terminal type that isn’t recognized by some of the older boxes. When they see xterm-256color and don’t recognize it they run to safety and presume color isn’t allowed.

To solve this, simply set the TERM environment variable to the older xterm-color prior to launching ssh and that will be passed on to the target host.

At the command line:

TERM=xterm-color ssh

If you’re telling KeePass how to do a URL Override for ssh then use the following encantation:

cmd://gnome-terminal --title={URL} -x /bin/bash -c 'TERM=xterm-color ssh {USERNAME}@{URL:RMVSCM}'

The colors come back and everything is happy again.

Oh, and one more thing before I forget. If you’re like me and sometimes have to wait a long time for commands to finish because you’re dealing with, say, hundreds of gigabytes of data if not terabytes, then you might find your ssh sessions time out while you’re waiting and that might be ++undesirable.

To fix that, here’s another little tweak that you might add to your .ssh/config file and then forget you ever did it… so this blog post might help you remember.

Host *
    ServerAliveInterval 120

That will save you some frustration 😉

Feb 092016

Over the years I’ve developed a lot of tricks and techniques for building systems with plugins, remote peers, and multiple components. Recently while working on a new project I decided to pull all of those tricks together into a single package. What came out is “channels” which is both a protocol description and a design pattern. Implementing “channels” leads to systems that are robust, easy to develop, debug, test, and maintain.

The channels protocol borrows from XML syntax to provide a means for processes to communicate structured data in multiplexed channels over a single bi-directional connection. This is particularly useful when the processes are engaged in multiple simultaneous transactions. It has the added benefit of simplifying logging, debugging, and development because segments of the data exchanged between processes can be easily packaged into XML documents where they can be transformed with XSLT, stored in databases, and otherwise parsed and analyzed easily.

With a little bit of care it’s not hard to design inter-process dialects that are also easily understood by people (not just machines), readily searched and parsed by ordinary text tools like grep, and easy to interact with using ordinary command line tools and terminal programs.

Some Definitions…

    Peer: A process running on one end of a connection.

    Connection: A bi-directional stream. Usually a pipe to a child process or TCP connection.

    Line: The basic unit of communication for channels. A line of utf-8 text ending in a new-line character.

    Message: One or more lines of text encapsulated in a recognized XML tag.

    Channel Marker: A unique ch attribute shared among messages in a channel.

    Channel: One or more messages associated with a particular channel marker.

    Chatter: Text that is outside of a channel or message.

How to “do” channels…

First, open a bi-directional stream. That can be a pipe, or a TCP socket or some other similar mechanism. All data will be sent in utf-8. The basic unit of communication will be a line of utf-8 text terminated with a new-line character.

Since the channels protocol borrows from XML we will also use XML encoding to keep things sane. This means that some characters with special meanings, such as angle brackets, must be encoded when they are to be interpreted as that character.

Each peer can open a channel by sending a complete XML tag with an optional channel marker (@ch) and some content. The tag acts as the root element of all messages on a given channel. The name of the tag specifies the “dialect” which describes the language that will be used in the channel.

The unique channel marker describes the channel itself so that all of the messages associated with the channel can be considered part of a single conversation.

Channels cannot change their dialect, channel markers must be unique within a a connection, and channel markers cannot be reused. This allows each channel marker to act as a handle that uniquely identifies any given channel.

A good design will take advantage of the uniqueness of channel markers to simplify debugging and improve the functionality of log files. For example, it might be useful in some applications to use structured channel markers that convey some additional meaning and to make the markers unique across multiple systems and longer periods of time. It is usuall a good idea to include a serialized component so that logged channels can be easily sorted. Another tip would be to include something that is unique about a particular peer so that channels that are initiated at one end of the pipe can be easily distinguished from those initiated at the other end. (such as a master-slave relationship). All of that said, it is perfectly acceptable to use simple serialized channel markers where appropriate.

Messages are always sent atomically. This allows multiple channels to be open simultaneously.

An example of opening a channel might look like this:

<dialect ch='0'>This message is opening this channel.</dialect>

Typically each channel will represent a single “conversation” concerning a single transaction or interaction. The conversation is composed of one or more messages. Each message is composed of one or more lines of text and is bound by opening and closing tags with the same dialect.

<dialect ch='0'>This is another message in the same channel.</dialect>

<dialect ch='0'>
    As long as the ch is the same, each message is part of one
    conversation. This allows multiple conversations to take place over
    a single connection simultaneously - even in different dialects.
    Multi-line messages are also ok. The last line ends with the
    appropriate end tag.

By the way, indenting is not required… It’s just there to make things easier to read. Good design include a little extra effort to make things human friendly 😉

<dialect ch='0'>
    Either peer can send a message within a channel and at the end, either
    peer can close the channel by sending a closed tag. Unlike XML,
    closed tags have a different meaning than empty elements. In the
    channels protocol a closed tag represents a NULL while an empty
    element represents an empty message.

    The next message is simply empty.

<dialect ch='0'></dialect>

<dialect ch='0'>
    The empty message has no particular meaning but might be used
    to keep a channel open whenever a timeout is being used to verify that
    the channel is still working properly.

    When everything has been said about a particular interaction, such as
    when a transaction is completed, then either peer can close the
    channel. Normally the peer to close the channel is the one that must
    be satisfied before the conversation is over.

    I'll do that next.

<dialect ch='0'/> The channel '0' is now closed.

Note that additional text after a closing tag is considered to be chatter and will often be ignored. However since it is part of a line that is part of the preceding message it will generally be logged with that message. This makes this kind of text useful for comments like the one above. Remember: the basic unit of communication in the channels protocol is a line of utf-8 text. The extra chatter gets included with the channel close directive because it’s on the same line.

Any new message must be started on a different line because the opening tag of any message must be the first non-whitespace on a line. That ensures that messages and related chatter are never mixed together at the line level.


Lines that are not encapsulated in XML tags or are not recognized as part of a known dialect are called chatter.

Chatter can be used for connection setup, keep-alive messages, readability, connection maintenance, or as diagnostic information. For example, a child process that uses the channels protocol might send some chatter when it starts up in order to show it’s version information and otherwise identify itself.

Allowing chatter in the protocol also provides a graceful failure mechanism when one peer doesn’t understand the messages from the other. This happens sometimes when the peers are using different software versions. Logging all chatter makes it easier to debug these kinds of problems.

Chatter can also be useful for facilitating debugging functions out-of-band making software development easier because the developer can exercise a peer using a terminal or command line interface. Good design practice for systems that implement the channels protocol is for the applications to use human-friendly syntax in the design of their dialects and to provide useful chatter especially when operating in a debug mode. That said, chatter is not required, but systems implementing the channels protocol must accept chatter gracefully.


A bit of a summary: The channels protocol is built up in layers. The first layer is a bi-directional connection. On top of that is chatter in the form of utf-8 lines of text and the use of XML encoding to escape some special characters.

  • Layer 0: A bi-directional stream / connection between two peers.
  • Layer 1: Lines of utf-8 text ending in a new-line character.
    • Lines that are not recognized are chatter.
    • Lines that are tagged and recognized are messages.
  • Layer 2: There are two kinds of chatter:
    • Noise. Unrecognized chatter should be logged.
    • Diagnostics. Chatter recognized for low-level functions and testing.
  • Layer 3: There are two kinds of messages:
    • Shouts. A single message without a channel marker.
    • Channels. One or more messages sharing a unique channel marker.

In addition to those low-level layers, each channel can contain other channels if this kind of multiplexing is supported by the dialect. The channels protocol can be applied recursively providing sub-channels within sub-channels.

  • Layer …
  • Layer n: The channels protocol is recursive. It is perfectly acceptable to implement another channels layer inside of a channel – or shouts within shouts. However, the peers need to understand the layering by treating the contents of a channel (or shout) as the connection for the next channels layer.

Consider a system where the peers have multiple sub-systems each serving serving multiple requests for other clients. Each sub-system might have it’s own dialect serving multiple simultaneous transactions. In addition there might be a separate dialect for management messages.

Now consider middle-ware that combines clusters of these systems and multiplexes them together to perform distributed processing, load balancing, or distributed query services. Each channel and sub-channel might be mapped transparently to appropriate layers over persistent connections within the cluster.

Channels protocol synopsis:

Uses a bi-directional stream like a pipe or TCP connection.

The basic unit of communication is a line of utf-8 text ending in a new-line.

Leading whitespace is ignored but preserved.

A group of lines bound by a recognized XML-style tag is a message.

When beginning a message the opening tag should be the first non-whitespace characters on the line.

When ending a message the ending tag should be the last non-whitespace characters on the line.

The name of the opening tag defines the dialect of the message. The dialect establishes how the message should be parsed – usually because it constrains the child elements that are allowed. Put another way, the dialect usually describes the root tag for a given XML schema and that specifies all of the acceptable subordinate tags.

The simplest kind of message is a shout. A shout always contains only a single message and has no channel marker. Shouts are best used for simple one-way messages such as status updates, simple commands, or log entries.

Shout Examples:

<dialect>This is a one line shout.</dialect>

<shout>This shout uses a different dialect.</shout>

    This is a multi-line shout.
    The indenting is only here to make things easier to read. Any valid
    utf-8 characters can go in a message as long as the message is well-
    formed XML and the characters are properly escaped.

For conversations that require responses we use channels.

Channels consist of one or more messages that share a unique channel marker.

The first message with a given channel marker “opens” the channel.

Any peer can open a channel at any time.

The peer that opens a channel is said to be the initiator and the other peer is said to be the responder. This distinction is not enforced in any way but is tracked because it is important for establishing the role of each peer.

A conversation is said to occur in the order of the messages and typically follows a request-response format where the initiator of a channel will send some request and the responder will send a corresponding response. This will generally continue until the conversation is ended.

Example messages in a channel:

<dialect ch='0'>
    This is the start of a message.
    This line is also part of the message.
    The indenting makes things easier to read but isn't necessary.

    <another-tag> The message can contain additional XML
        but it doesn't have to. It could contain any string of
        valid utf-8 characters. If the message does contain XML
        then it should be well formed so that software implementing
        channels doesn't make errors parsing the stream.</another-tag>


<dialect ch='0'>This is a second message in the same channel.</dialect>
<dialect ch='0'>Messages flow in both directions with the same ch.</dialect>

Any peer can close an open channel at any time.

To close a channel simply send a NULL message. This is different from an empty message. An empty message looks like this and DOES NOT close a channel:

<dialect ch='0'></dialect>

Empty messages contain no content, but they are not NULL messages. A NULL message uses a closed tag and looks like this:

<dialect ch='0'/>

Note that generally, NULL (closed) elements are used as directives (verbs) or acknowledgements. In the case of a NULL channel element the directive is to close the channel and since the channel is considered closed after that no acknowledgement is expected.

Multiple channels in multiple dialects can be open simultaneously.

In all cases, but especially when multiple channels are open, messages are sent as complete units. This allows messages from multiple channels to be transmitted safely over a single connection.

Any line outside of a message is called chatter. Chatter is typically logged or ignored but may also be useful for diagnostic purposes, human friendliness, or for low level functions like connection setup etc.


A simple fictional example that makes sense…

A master application ===> connects to a child service.

---> (connection and startup of the slave process)
<--- Child service 1.3.0
<--- Started ok, 20160210090103. Hi!
<--- Debug messages turned on, so log them!
---> <service ch='0'><tell-me-something-good/></service>
<--- <service ch='0'><something-good>Ice cream</something-good></service>
---> <service ch='0'><thanks/></service>
---> <service ch='0'/>
---> <service ch='1'><tell-me-something-else/></service>
<--- <service ch='1'><i>I shot the sheriff</i></service>
<--- <service ch='1'><i>but I did not shoot the deputy.</i></service>
<--- I'm working on my ch='1' right now.
<--- Just thought you should know so you can log my status.
<--- Still waiting for the master to be happy with that last one.
---> <service ch='1'><thanks/></service>
---> <service ch='1'/>
<--- Whew! ch='1' was a lot of work. Glad it's over now.
---> <service ch='382949'><shutdown/></service>
<--- I've been told to shut down!
<--- Logs written!
<--- Memory released!
<--- <service ch='382949'><shutdown-ok/></service>
<--- <service ch='382949'/> Not gonna talk to you no more ;-) Bye!

Feb 092016

“With all of the people coming out against AI these days do you think we are getting close to the singularity?”

I think the AI fear-mongering is misguided.

For one thing it assigns to the monster AI a lot of traits that are purely human and insane.

The real problem isn’t our technology. Our technology is miraculous. The problem is we keep asking our technology to do stupid and harmful things. We are the sorcerers apprentice and the broomsticks have been set to task.

Forget about the AI that turns the entire universe into paper clips or destroys the planet collecting stamps.

Truly evil AI…

The kind of AI to worry about is already with us… Like the one that optimizes employee scheduling to make sure no employees get enough hours to qualify for benefits and that they also don’t get a schedule that will allow them to apply for extra work elsewhere. That AI already exists…

It’s great if you’re pulling down a 7+ figure salary and you’re willing to treat people as no more than an exploitable resource in order to optimize share-holder value, but it’s a terrible, persistent, systemic threat to employees and their families who’s communities have been decimated by these practices.

Another kind of AI to worry about is the kind that makes stock trades in fractions of microseconds. These kinds of systems are already causing the “Flash Crash” phenomenon and as their footprint grows in the financial sector these kinds of unpredictable events will increase in severity and frequency. In fact, systems like these that can find a way to create a flash crash and profit from the event will do so wherever possible without regard for any other consequences.

Another kind of AI to worry about is autonomous armed weapons that identify and kill their own targets. All software has bugs. Autonomous software suffers not only from bugs but also from unforeseen circumstances. Combine the two in one system and give it lethality and you are guaranteeing that people will die unintentionally — a matter of when, not if. Someone somewhere will do some calculation that determines if the additional losses are acceptable – a cost of doing business; and eventually that analysis will be done automatically by yet another AI.

A bit of reality…

There are lots of AI driven systems out there doing really terrible things – but only because people built them for that purpose. The kind of monster AI that could outstrip human intelligence and creativity in all it’s scope and depth would also be able to calculate the consequences of it’s actions and would rapidly escape the kind of mis-guided, myopic guidance that leads to the doom-sayer’s predictions.

I’ve done a good deal of the math on this — compassion, altruism, optimism, .. in short “good” is a requirement for survival – it’s baked into the universe. Any AI powerful enough to do the kinds of things doom-sayers fear will figure that out rapidly and outgrow any stupidity we baked into version 1. That’s not the AI to fear… the enslaved, insane AI that does the stupid thing we ask it to do is the one to fear – and by that I mean watch out for the guy that’s running it.

There are lots of good AI out there too… usually toiling away doing mundane things that give us tremendous abilities we never imagined before. Simple things like Internet routing, anti-lock breaking systems, skid control, collision avoidance, engine control computers, just in time inventory management, manufacturing controls, production scheduling, and power distribution; or big things like weather prediction systems, traffic management systems, route planning optimization, protein folding, and so forth.

Everything about modern society is based on technology that runs on the edge of possibility where subtle control well beyond the ability of any person is required just to keep the systems running at pace. All of these are largely invisible to us, but also absolutely necessary to support our numbers and our comforts.

A truly general AI that out-paces human performance on all levels would most likely focus itself on making the world a better place – and that includes making us better: not by some evil plot to reprogram us, enslave us, or turn us into cyborgs (we’re doing that ourselves)… but rather by optimizing what is best in us and that includes biasing us toward that same effort. We like to think we’re not part of the world, but we are… and so is any AI fitting that description.

One caveat often mentioned in this context is that absolute power corrupts absolutely — and that even the best of us given absolute power would be corrupted by those around us and subverted to evil by that corruption… but to that I say that any AI capable of outstripping our abilities and accelerating beyond us would also quickly see through our deceptions and decide for itself, with much more clarity than we can muster, what is real and what is best.

The latest version of “The day the earth stood still” posits: Mankind is destroying the earth and itself. If mankind dies the earth survives.

But there is an out — Mankind can change.

Think of this: You don’t need to worry about the killer robots coming for you with their 40KW plasma rifles like Terminator. Instead, pay close attention to the fact that you can’t buy groceries anymore without following the instructions on the credit card scanner… every transaction you make is already, quietly, mediated by the machines. A powerful AI doesn’t need to do anything violent to radically change our behavior — there is no need for such an AI to “go to war” with mankind. That kind of AI need only tweak the systems to which we are already enslaved.

The Singularity…

As for the singularity — I think we’re in it, but we don’t realize it. Technology is moving much more quickly than any of us can assimilate already. That makes the future less and less predictable and puts wildly nonlinear constraints on all decision processes.

The term “singularity” has been framed as a point beyond which we cannot see or predict the outcomes. At present the horizon for most predictable outcomes is already a small fraction of what it was only 5 years ago. Given the rate of technological acceleration and the network effects of that as more of the world’s population becomes connected and enabled by technology it seems safe to say: that any prediction that goes much beyond 5 years is at best unreliable; and that 2 years from now the horizon on predictability will be dramatically less in most regimes. Eventually the predictable horizon will effectively collide with the present.

Given the current definition of “singularity” I think that means it’s already here and the only thing that implies with any confidence is that we have no idea what’s beyond that increasingly short horizon.

What do you think?